Parents Testimonial: Juliana, Mother of Isabelle

Posted on August 25, 2014 Posted in Parents/Students Testimonials

Dear Principal Christine,

It is with a heart of immense gratitude that I write this email to thank you for the wonderful experience our daughter Isabelle Joy Young (Izzy) had this summer at JEMS, and also to applaud you on not only the wonderful vision you have set for your learning center but also the excellent way you have executed the vision.

We signed Izzy up for 4 courses – I know My Manners, I Love to Share, I Love My Family, and I know My Manners (again, just to be sure she has a firm grasp of the materials).

Firstly, we were so impressed with how the topics taught in class were so easily applicable and connected with real life – the “good manners” “bad manners” gesture was quickly internalized by Izzy and became something we can now use every day (and often several times a day) to remind her of her manners. She not only understands quickly what is expected of her, but is also joyfully willing to display “good manners”! She also uses the same system to encourage other children in the playroom and also at her new school, so I know it must have made a deep mark in her. We also love the little song “S-H-A-R-E” and phrase “Listen, Smile, Do-it-well!” which helps break down abstract, hard-to-understand concepts into simple & memorable ways for Izzy to learn about and remember to share and respect her parents. I must say I was originally doubtful before the classes whether Izzy, who hadn’t even turned 3 yet, would even understand these concepts, but now they have become an integral and important part of her (and our) lives!

Secondly, we noticed that Izzy’s ability to sit still and remain focused has improved greatly, which was also a very helpful preparation for her school life, as she is just starting K1 now and is required to sit still and focus for extended periods of time. I’ve noticed a marked improvement in the first few days of school already, compared to her nursery experience a few months ago when she was unable to stay in her chair.

Thirdly, I am so appreciative of the way the teachers & the staff went out of their way, beyond class time, to connect and interact with Izzy – whether it’s through playing games, answering her (many) questions, reinforcing class-taught concepts, or simply spending time together, I see how they genuinely care for her. I believe that this positive life-giving environment helps reinforce her self-worth – which I believe is crucial to every area of her future development. I also noticed how both the teachers and the staff remember the names and life details of almost all the participants, which I found to be very impressive.

Last but not least, we were very surprised at how much Izzy’s grasp of the English language has grown. This was not something that we were really looking for when we enrolled her, but it has become a substantial side benefit. From being very reluctant to almost refusing to communicate in English before attending JEMS, Izzy now freely and happily converses in English with friends (and strangers!), and is also willing to try new phrases. We also noticed that she is much more willing and interested in reading books than before!

All-in-all, I believe that everything from the design of the center, the small class sizes, the easy-to-internalize and apply concepts, the amazing teachers & staff, the environment of love & care, and most of all the illustrious, awesome, one-of-a-kind founder & principal – these are all key ingredients for a fool-proof children’s character education center. :)

After seeing the change Izzy over a mere few weeks, our whole family (grandparents included) have become strong supporters and advocates of JEMS!

With much love & undying gratitude,
Juliana Young

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